Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Still the untruths are cleverly embedded in truths!
- Message No. 511 -

My children. Do not worry about the falsehoods of those who spread lies in My Church, because I, Jesus Christ, will enlighten My children, widen their eyes, hearts and minds, so that they will become aware of these lies and will start the way completely to Me. Your prayers support My intention, and I thank you very much for it.
My children. Still the untruths are skillfully embedded in truths and thus inconspicuous, hidden and camouflaged, to slowly begin to cause confusion among you believers. Soon they will become more obvious, and many faithful believers it will "fall like scales from their eyes."They will realize what evil game is being played here, and they will realize that they are really in the end times, because they will recognize the "Pope" for who he is, and as the one already announced in My Father's Holy Book.
My children. Do not be ashamed. Be completely with Me and open your heart only to Me and My Holy Spirit, but leave everything else outside, because "thousands" of demons are set free to creep into your hearts and incite to evil rages and deeds.
My children. Be completely with Me and be at rest, that is, you must give rest to your heart, no matter where you are and what you are doing! If your heart is at rest and you are connected to Me, then love will prevail in all matters, and the demons of evil will not get "a foot in the door of your heart"! But he who has a restless heart is easily susceptible to all evil whispers, and this does neither him nor his environment any good.
My children. Come fully to Me, to your Jesus, and together we will get through these last days! I will always be with you, "sanctifying" you for this mission, that is, giving you the strength, perseverance, endurance and love needed to carry out this mission successfully. Pray also especially for My visionary children, because the attacks on them are great. Every prayer you say in love for another soul helps, supports, heals, soothes and gives love.
My children. Pray for each other and pray in My intentions and all the intentions that I and We ask of you.
I thank you very much, My so beloved children, and gift each one of you with My merciful and healing love!
Never will I leave you alone, My faithful followers, because My love for you is infinite, and soon I will take all of you to My New Kingdom, those who serve Me so faithfully.
I love you!
Your Jesus.
Source: ➥